sick as a dog


sick as a dog 的定义

  1. Very ill, especially from a stomach malady. For example, I don't know what was in that stew but I was sick as a dog all night. This simile was first recorded in 1705. Why a dog should be viewed as particularly sick remains unclear.

sick as a dog 近义词

sick as a dog

等同于 queasy

sick as a dog

等同于 sick

sick as a dog

等同于 unwell

sick as a dog

等同于 laid-up

sick as a dog

等同于 ailing

sick as a dog

等同于 green around the gills

sick as a dog

等同于 ill

更多sick as a dog例句

  1. And not just sick in the body but in your mind, because you start obsessing.
  2. ROME — What does it take for a Hollywood A-lister to get a private audience with Pope Francis?
  3. I was sick in street gutters, onto my desk, at dinners with friends.
  4. Indeed, although he works here in the old town, he lives in the new part of the city where he walks his dog in the morning.
  5. We are the sick ones who torment trans people every day of their lives.
  6. The Duchess had also a tent for their sick men; so that we had a small town of our own here, and every body employed.
  7. A little boy of four was moved to passionate grief at the sight of a dead dog taken from a pond.
  8. Now-a-days it is the bankrupt who flouts, and his too confiding creditors who are jeered and laughed at.
  9. A was an Archer, who shot at a frog; B was a Butcher, and had a great dog.
  10. He felt himself the meanest, vilest thing a-crawl upon this sinful earth, and she—dear God!